# # here lie structures, cousins of those on http://www.xmlrpc.com/metaWeblog # but they don't necessarily the real world reflect # so if you do, find that your client complains: # please tell, of problems you suffered through # module Blog class Post < ActionWebService::Struct member :title, :string member :link, :string member :description, :string member :author, :string member :category, :string member :comments, :string member :guid, :string member :pubDate, :string end class Category < ActionWebService::Struct member :description, :string member :htmlUrl, :string member :rssUrl, :string end end # # metaWeblog # class MetaWeblogAPI < ActionWebService::API::Base inflect_names false api_method :newPost, :returns => [:string], :expects => [ {:blogid=>:string}, {:username=>:string}, {:password=>:string}, {:struct=>Blog::Post}, {:publish=>:bool} ] api_method :editPost, :returns => [:bool], :expects => [ {:postid=>:string}, {:username=>:string}, {:password=>:string}, {:struct=>Blog::Post}, {:publish=>:bool}, ] api_method :getPost, :returns => [Blog::Post], :expects => [ {:postid=>:string}, {:username=>:string}, {:password=>:string}, ] api_method :getCategories, :returns => [[Blog::Category]], :expects => [ {:blogid=>:string}, {:username=>:string}, {:password=>:string}, ] api_method :getRecentPosts, :returns => [[Blog::Post]], :expects => [ {:blogid=>:string}, {:username=>:string}, {:password=>:string}, {:numberOfPosts=>:int}, ] end