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changeset 16: 01fd3f10ae84
date: Mon Mar 10 10:13:18 2008 +0900 (16 years ago)
permissions: -rw-r--r--
description: add plugins rspec_on_rails
1dir = File.dirname(__FILE__)
2require 'spec/rails/matchers/assert_select'
3require 'spec/rails/matchers/have_text'
4require 'spec/rails/matchers/redirect_to'
5require 'spec/rails/matchers/render_template'
7module Spec
8 module Rails
9 # Spec::Rails::Expectations::Matchers provides several expectation matchers
10 # intended to work with Rails components like models and responses. For example:
11 #
12 # response.should redirect_to("some/url") #redirect_to(url) is the matcher.
13 #
14 # In addition to those you see below, the arbitrary predicate feature of RSpec
15 # makes the following available as well:
16 #
17 # response.should be_success #passes if response.success?
18 # response.should be_redirect #passes if response.redirect?
19 #
20 # Note that many of these matchers are part of a wrapper of <tt>assert_select</tt>, so
21 # the documentation comes straight from that with some slight modifications.
22 # <tt>assert_select</tt> is a Test::Unit extension originally contributed to the
23 # Rails community as a plugin by Assaf Arkin and eventually shipped as part of Rails.
24 #
25 # For more info on <tt>assert_select</tt>, see the relevant Rails documentation.
26 module Matchers
27 end
28 end